Andrea Boroli
A common experience and a more than ten-year collaboration with Bocconi and the people who lead it have led us to build a deeper, more constant and lasting relationship, through the establishment of the Chair in European Studies. We are certain that the research, teaching and training carried out at this University will contribute to strengthening that European ideal that we share with Bocconi and which was at the basis of my father's thinking and choices.
Andrea Boroli
Vice President, Achille and Giulia Boroli Foundation

fondazione boroliThe link between the Achille and Giulia Boroli Foundation and Bocconi University has solid and deep roots. Established more than fifteen years ago and based on common values ​​and objectives, this connection has transformed over time, growing and strengthening to become a real institutional and strategic partnership, with the of training new generations and disseminating knowledge. In 2006 the Foundation established the first Graduation Awards for young Bocconi graduates and six years later it chose to take what would become the first step of a new shared path: the naming of the Bocconi-Boroli Lectures, dedicating them to the memory of their founder Achille Boroli. In the 2015-2018 period, the Europeans: Giornate Bocconi-Boroli sull’Europa initiative followed which, along with the "The State of Europeans" publication, contributed significantly to spreading an ever-greater awareness of the role and dynamics of the European Union among the younger generations. On the basis of this fruitful collaboration and a shared vision of the future, the Foundation has made a further gesture of trust towards Bocconi University by establishing the Achille and Giulia Boroli Foundation Chair in European Studies. A testament to Achille Boroli's strong pro-European faith, the Chair combines a strong commitment to scientific research, conducted by Professor Gianmarco Ottaviano, with dissemination and training aimed especially at the young people who will become future European citizens. A Europe Day is organized by the Chair every year, with the participation of important figures, as well as initiatives for high schools, including a collaboration with Repubblica@Scuola. These are examples of the transformative impact of the Boroli Foundation's contribution, not only for Bocconi University, but for young people, society and the world in which we live.


  • Boroli Chair in European Studies


  • Europeans Project
  • Bocconi Boroli Lecture
  • Graduation Awards