Avvocato Giovanni Agnelli Associate Professorship in Economics


Full Professor in the Department of Economics at Bocconi University. Previously he was Professor at Boston University and the EIEF-Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance. CEPR Research Fellow. Expert for the European Commission, he currently chairs the Online Advertising Area of the Observatory on the Online Platform Economy at the European Commission. His research has been funded by multiple grants including two from the ERC (Consolidator and Starting), and one from PRIN, NSF and the Sloan Foundation. Expert for the Alpine World Ski Championship - Cortina 2021 commission for the assessment of the socio-economic impact of the action plan.

Joint Purpose

In 2013, the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation became a Strategic Partner of the University by establishing the Avvocato Giovanni Agnelli Associate Professorship in Economics. Since 2017, it has been assigned to Francesco Decarolis, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics. On the tenth anniversary of the passing of the Italian lawyer, the Foundation decided to invest in this important project to promote the best young talents engaged in research on applied economics. It is an endowed Professorship assigned every five years to a Bocconi professor with an undisputed reputation in their area and whose research interests include applied economics.

John Elkann
We are proud to work with one of the top universities in Europe. The Associate Professorship in Economics named after my grandfather is based on the same mindset that inspires the actions of the Agnelli Foundation in the field of education: to improve the school and university system in Italy, bringing it to the level of the most advanced countries in the world.
John Elkann
Chairman, Agnelli Foundation
Gianmario Verona
By funding this Professorship, the Agnelli Foundation, a strategic partner of Bocconi, helps the University attract the best talents in the field of scientific research and contributes to the advancement of applied economics studies on major issues affecting business. It was the formation of industrial groups in the case of Chiara Fumagalli, and it is the safeguarding of competition through the design of well-functioning markets in the case of Professor Decarolis, who joins Bocconi from Boston University.
Gianmario Verona
Rector, Bocconi University
Francesco Decarolis
In the last 30 years, microeconomics has been enriched by new methods to analyze data and link data to theoretical models of consumer demand and business strategies. This allows us to better understand how markets work and how to design new rules in order to promote and preserve competition. Thanks to this approach, called “market design,” it is sometimes possible to single out the truly critical features of a market and plan innovative, surgical interventions, capable of enhancing social welfare.
Francesco Decarolis
Avvocato Giovanni Agnelli Associate Professorship in Economics

Core Activities


The research that is part of the Avvocato Giovanni Agnelli Associate Professorship in Economics focuses on various areas. Professor Francesco Decarolis has recently worked on public procurement, studying its effects in relation to the efficiency of the judicial system, corruption in selection processes, the role of buyers and bureaucratic competence. His research has also focused on health insurance markets in private health systems (e.g. analyzing the interaction between strategic insurers and prescription drug subsidy mechanisms in the context of Medicare), and the emerging areas of Digital Markets and online marketing, with a focus on the advertising market in the internet environment and competition in this sector. Thanks to his research on competition in digital markets, Professor Decarolis won a European Research Council Consolidator Grant for CoDiM (Competition in Digital Markets) in 2021, a project that studies the competitive aspects of digital platforms.


Communication and Dissemination

The Professorship's activities are enriched by the dissemination of Professor Decarolis's research results, thanks to his participation in seminars and conferences organized by the most prestigious academic and institutional entities. Professor Decarolis is also co-organizer of leading scientific events, such as the Annual Congress of the European Economic Association.
